
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kastamandap( A temple made up of a single tree)

This Temple is supposed to be on of the oldest remaining houses of Kathmandu. The name means house of wood and it was formally a meeting place for the people of the surrounding villages. Probably it gave even the name to the place which later became Kathmandu. Still you will still find many porters in the early morning waiting here to get some work in the day, it is now a Temple dedicated to Gokharna and in the evening groups of Hindus will come to chant holy texts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

D) Stone Inscription ( that can be your research project)

A stone inscription, written to goddess Kalika in 15 languages including 1 French word by King Pratap Malla in 1664. Legend has it that milk will flow from the spout in the middle, should anyone be able to read all the 15 languages inscribed there.


Stone Inscription of Basantapur Durbar Square

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

C) Kings Landing(The Palace)

 The King’s palace Hanuman Dhoka is a huge complex north Basantapur with several Buildings, Towers, and pagodas and inner court yards. On the corner to the durbar Square is the white building in Neoclassical style which was only build in the second half of the 19 th century.
                                       Basantapur Durbar Square
b) Kal Bhairav( The terrific God)

This is the famous image of Basantapur Durbar Square. Kal Bhairav means the god of destruction. The image of this God is terrific and scary. Each and every tourist doesn't miss the moment to see the image.

Please see this image properly. You will frighten.

Erected in the 17th or 18th century, the statue was supposedly used as a lie detector. People suspected of committing a crime would be brought before the statue, made to touch its feet, and then forced to say whether or not they committed the crime. It was believed that if they lied, they would immediately bleed to death. The mere threat of being brought before Kal Bhairav was often enough to elicit a confession. 
b) Kumari- The Living Goddess of Nepal. (Attraction Basantapur Durbar Square)

There is an ancient story based on mythology. The Malla Kings of the Valley in ancient times had wide knowledge of practising Tantricism. They used to play dice and other games with the goddess Taleju with their tantric powers. King Jaya Prakash Malla, the last Malla ruler of Kathmandu used to play dice with Goddess Taleju. He became fascinated by the charming beauty of the goddess. He lost control and caught her by the hands. The goddess perceived his erotic thoughts and was enraged by his immoral attitude, she immediately vanished from the king's sight. That night the king again saw Goddess Taleju in his dream. In his dream she strictly warned him that he shall no longer be blessed by her. His dynasty was going to end. The king would only be able to get darshan in the new form of pre-menstrual girl belonging to the Shakya caste in whom the goddess herself is said to dwell as goddess Kumari. Since then, the Kumari is worshipped as the living virgin goddess. The Kumari bahal was built in 1767 during the reign of King Jaya Prakash Malla. He also instituted the festival of drawing the chariot of Kumari, the living goddess followed by other two living gods- Ganesh and Bhairav.

On 25th September 1768 AD Prithvi Narayan Shah, the king of Gorkha attacked Kathmandu when Indra Jatra (festival) was being observed in full swing. Jaya Prakash's troops were all intoxicated in the chariot pulling festival. The Gorkha King easily captured Kathmandu and received blessings from the Kumari.
The Kumari is given high dignity and is regarded as a personification of the Goddess Taleju. She is considered as an incarnation of Durga, the symbol of power, the divine universal-mother goddess. The devotees consider looking at her as a mascot will bring them good luck.

Note: See the Next post for more details of Basantapur Durbar Square

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5) Basantapur Durbar Square( The ocean of Nepal Art and Craft)

a) Place for Souvenir seller

Basantapur is the main place for all the souvenir sellers . Early in the morning they are coming to install their little stalls and to deploy all their marvels.

Most of the souvenirs are specially made for the tourists . A lot of artisans and little factories are situated in Patan and Bhaktapur. So dont expect to find genuine antiques or Gurkha knives. The later are made of soft iron and useless if you want them for gardening.

Note: Please see the next for more information.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

4) Budhanilkantha ( The God which is sleeping in the pond)

Budhanilkantha Temple is located at the base of Shivapuri Hill within the Kathmandu valley on the northern side. It is also known as mystical Budhanilkantha temple or Narayanthan temple .Budhanilkantha literally means “Old Blue Throat”. It is only nine kilometer away from the main city. It is a deity of Lord Vishnu; Lord Vishnu is also known as Narayan.It is called Vishnu (Narayan) Jalasayan lying on Ananta Sesa, in the cosmic ocean.

 The deity is about thousand years old. Lord Vishnu is about five meter (Seventeen fits) long and lying in a thirteen meter (forty three fits) long tank, as if floating with his legs crossed with his sleeping body resting on the coils of Ananta and his 11 hooded head.His four hands hold the four symbols of Vishnu, the Shankha as conch shell, Chakra as disc,Gadha as club and Padma as lotus flower. It is believe that the deity was carved in the seventh or eighth century during the Licchavi period.

 Hindus can walk down the steps and touch his feet, but foreigners cannot walk and touch. It is with the sacredness of this particular god that a deep seated belief was created by King Pratap Malla through a prophetic dream. It was his strong belief and fear that should the King of Nepal visit the Budhanilkantha temple, death would be threatening immediately to fall upon his departure. The two other images of the deity which were carved during the same time lie at two particular destinationa, the Balaju Garden were public viewing can take place and the beautiful Royal Palace in Kathmandu.It is here at Budhanilkantha temple, however that public is not permitted.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A mysterious sculpture in Baudhanath Monastery(that creates terror)

Baudhanath Temple is the world heritage site located at the heart of Kathmandu. It is the famous tourist spot. Here are many Gompas and monasteries which can easily attract your attention through images, thankas and  stone crafts.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

3) Soyambhunath Temple( The place where the eyes of Buddha shows you the right path)

"Soyam" means automatically and "bhu" means land. It means the God which emerged from the land automatically is called Soyambhu. This is an ancient temple of Lord Buddha about 2km ahead from New Bus Park which is situated at the top of the hill. This is a world heritage site where we can feel peace and freedom. This temple is extraordinary example of arts and wood carvings.

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2) Baudhanath Temple( Where you can feel internal peace)

The ancient and one of the largest stupas in the world, Boudhanath or the Khasa Caitya is one of the holiest Buddhist sites in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Located about 11 km from the center and northeastern outskirts of Kathmandu, the stupa's massive mandala makes it one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal.

With diameter of about 100m and 40m height, Boudhanath holds its place among the ancients and one of the largest stupas in the world. The Boudhanath stupa covers a vast area. It has a round path at the bottom while another path is made of three tier plinth. The stupa resembles Swayambhunath stupa to some extent. The most impressive part of the stupa is the eyes of the Buddha which are painted with red, white and blue colors.

1) Pashupatinath Temple

   Pashupatinath Temple is the temple of Hindu God lord Shiva. It is the relegious and historical place situated at the bank of Bagmati River. Every year millions of tourist from all around the world to worship here.

  1.  How to reach?
          It is about 1km ahead from Tribhuwan International Airport and about 5 km from New Bus Park, Gongabu  . We can hire a taxi or take public bus.

Naturally Beautiful Nepal invites you to join travel adventure. Kathmandu the capital city of Nepal is topmost tourist center which offers wide veriety of Natural, Cultural and Historical places. If you are planning to visit Nepal then here are some important sights around Kathmandu Valley.
                                                           Map of Kathmandu